When we examine the Book of Revelation, we encounter various perspectives. Revelation chapters 12 and 13 outline a detailed chronological order of worldwide events, similar to Daniel chapters 11 and 12 they are one prophecy broken into 2 chapters. The historical timeline in Revelation 12 and 13 unfolds after the resurrection of Jesus. Reading the Bible from one chapter to the next provides the context needed to make prophetic sense. Revelation chapters 12 and 13 later detail historical events in the West, while Daniel chapters 11 and 12 later describe historical events in the East.
Revelation 12, after the Archangel Michael defeated the principalities associated with Rome—such as Satan and his angels, along with the princes of Persia and Greece, etc—the Dragon assumed a different form: the little horn mentioned in Daniel 7:8. In Revelation 12:10-13, we witness the glorification of Christ after the archangel Michael’s victory which resulted in the destruction of western Rome in 476 AD. Additionally, Daniel 7:9-10 indicates that the Lord was glorified around that time, and the books were opened, corresponding to the scrolls referenced in Revelation 6.
In chapter 7:9, Daniel refers to Christ as the Ancient of Days, while John refers to Him as the Lamb that was slain in Revelations 4:6. There is considerable evidence to support this claim, and I will provide more details in a future post.
Please be aware that the horsemen in the book of Zechariah are NOT related to the horsemen in the book of Revelation, chapter six.
“2 And I saw, and behold, a white horse, and its rider had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.”
First Horse of The 4 Horsemen of Revelation 6

- More focused than the other caliphates on the spreading of Islam.
- Archery was a vital strategy of the Rashidun used to soften the opposition
- A crown was given. The first Islamic Empire.
- Conquered Jerusalem in 638 AD
- Conquered North Africa 647 AD
- Conquered Egypt 641 AD
- Began the Muslims Arab Slave trade
- Uprooted 3 of Romes regions (Daniel 7:24)
“ibn al-Qayyim concludes that Caliph Umar put special emphasis regarding his soldiers to practice extensively archery as the caliph wanted to implement the archery tradition according to the teaching of Muhammad to the military of Rashidun.”
When we analyse Revelation 6 and the first four seals, we can see that the descriptions in the scriptures closely resemble the early Islamic Caliphates and the Mongol conquests. These events occurred one after the other, which supports the Bible’s prophetic accuracy beyond Christ’s death and resurrection.
Suppose the laws of Moses and later Judaism were practiced and widely known in regions such as North Africa, Ethiopia, Arabia, and Syria. In that case, it is evident that these traditions were disrupted by the rise of Islam at some point in history. Unfortunately, only a few people today recognise this aspect of biblical prophecy.
At this juncture in the scriptures, it is reasonable to propose that John the Apostle prophesied about the rise of Islam, much like the prophet Daniel did. Yes, the Bible continually provides the same prophecies from different perspectives and timelines, all interlinking. In the book of Daniel, we see that Nebuchadnezzar had a dream about the coming nations, while Daniel also had a different dream addressing the same topic. Furthermore, in Daniel 11, the angel Gabriel provides detailed, step-by-step information about the rise of Cyrus the Great and the subsequent rise and fall of the Western Roman Empire.
Interestingly, in Revelations 6, the horsemen’s actual colours are white, red, black, and green, which are the trademark colours of the flags representing Islamic countries today. So, how do the descriptions match Islam? Let’s examine the words that describe the first horseman. The horse was white, and the rider held a bow. A crown was given to him, and from there, he went out and conquered. Now, the scripture secures a perfect fit with the Rashidun Caliphate, the first Empire of Islam. This explains the “crown” that was given as being symbolic of the first empire. The Rashidun caliphate Armies were well known for their mounted Archers, who were crucial to their conquests.
The Battle of Yarmouk was one of the most important and decisive battles in the early Islamic conquests. It was fought between the Rashidun Caliphate’s forces, led by Khalid ibn al-Walid, and the Byzantine Empire, under the command of Emperor Heraclius’ generals. The battle took place near the Yarmouk River, along the borders of present-day Jordan, Syria, and Israel.
Archers were effectively deployed to disrupt Byzantine formations and target specific units, including the cavalry and heavily armoured infantry of the Byzantine forces. The constant volleys of arrows caused significant disarray and casualties among the Byzantine ranks, weakening their resolve and breaking their cohesion.
The Rashidun archers were particularly effective in creating gaps in the Byzantine lines, which were then exploited by the Rashidun infantry and cavalry for decisive charges and flanking manoeuvres. The mounted archers, in particular, contributed to the mobility and flexibility of the Rashidun forces, allowing them to respond quickly to changes on the battlefield.
The archers’ contribution was crucial in wearing down the Byzantine forces and leading to their eventual collapse. The Battle of Yarmouk ended with a resounding victory for the Rashidun Caliphate, leading to the permanent loss of Byzantine control over Syria and Palestine. This victory significantly weakened the Byzantine Empire and paved the way for further Islamic expansion into the Levant and beyond.
The Battle of Yarmouk is a prime example of how the Rashidun Caliphate’s strategic use of archers contributed to their military success. The ability of the archers to disrupt and weaken enemy forces before the main engagement was a key factor in the Rashidun army’s ability to win battles against numerically superior opponents.
The expansion of the Caliphate played a crucial role in the growth of the Arab slave trade.
“4 And out came another horse, bright red; its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that men should slay one another, and he was given a great sword.”
Second Horse of The 4 Horsemen of Revelation 6

- It had the most civil wars of all the Caliphates
- Had the most Aggressive expansion policies
- Completed the uprooting of the third horn/king (North Africa) according to Daniel 7:24
- Built the Dome of the Rock on the temple (Daniel 9:27, 12:11)
- Beginning of the Great Dispersion/Great Distress/Scattering (Daniel 12:7)
- The Umayyad caliph united the warring Islamic community within his first 7 years.
- Perfectly qualifies for the 70th week of Daniel 9 (Daniel 9:27)
- The Lord struck and weakened the Umayyad caliphate with significant earthquakes in 747 and 749 (Revelations 12:16)
The Umayyad Caliphate had the most civil wars, called Fitnahs. The Caliphate was birthed from a significant internal conflict known as the First Fitnah (656–661 CE). This civil war within the early Islamic community set the stage for the rise of the Umayyad dynasty.
The Umayyad Caliphate experienced many internal conflicts and uprisings, often called Fitnahs. These were periods of civil war, political unrest, and religious disputes within the Islamic community (Ummah). While the term “Fitnah” is generally used to describe a trial, temptation, or civil strife in Islamic history, it specifically refers to the major conflicts that threatened the unity of the Muslim community.
The Umayyad Caliphate was birthed in the aftermath of the First Fitnah. The civil war not only marked the end of the Rashidun Caliphate (the era of the first four caliphs) but also set the stage for establishing the Umayyad dynasty, which would rule the Islamic world for nearly a century. The Umayyads came to power through military strength, political manoeuvring, and the resolution of the intense disputes that had divided the early Muslim community.
The Umayyad was also the Caliphate that erected the Dome of the Rock and united the Islamic community at the end of the second Fitnah. Jesus himself had prophesied about this in MARK 13:14-25, LUKE 21:20-24 and MATTHEW 24:15-21
15 “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17 Let no one on the housetop go down to take anything out of the house. 18 Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. 19 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! 20 Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. 21 For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again.
In the book of Daniel, chapter 12:11, the Angel Gabriel tells us that from the time the Sacrifice was abolished to the Abomination of Desolation, there shall be 1290 days. In Ezekiel 4:5, the Lord says
“5 I have assigned you the same number of days as the years of their sin…”
In a future post, I will provide a more detailed explanation of how this chapter in Ezekiel relates to the Dome of the Rock and why the days are considered years. During the time of Captivity, the Babylonians used a 360-day calendar for administrative purposes. When we reconcile this with our current calendar, which has a a total of 365.25 days per year, we find that the 1290 ancient years convert to 1271 modern years. Churches have used this method for years to decipher part of Daniels’s 70 weeks prophecy.
Starting from the time when Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, destroyed the first temple built by King Solomon in 587 BC, we can add 1271 modern years. Additionally, we must account for 1 year for the transition from BC to AD, as historians typically do not recognise a year between 1 BC and 1 AD. This calculation brings us to the year 685 AD, marking the beginning of the first seven years of Abd al-Malik Ibn Marwan I’s reign as an Umayyad Caliph. This ruler played a significant role in uniting Islam and completed the Dome of the Rock, aligning his efforts with the words of the Angel Gabriel and Jesus himself, as referenced in Daniel 9:27.
27 He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.

Many people may have different opinions on this, but both Jesus and the Angel Gabriel indicated that the Great Distress would occur when the Dome of the Rock is established, and Islam is unified. This suggests, without a doubt, that they were referring to the Muslim Arab slave trade. The Lord has stated that nothing worse will ever happen than this; it is the worst atrocity that has taken place since the beginning of nations.
Today, there has been a significant effort to keep both Black and White people unaware of such historical events. The transatlantic slave trade and the Barbary slave trade could not have existed without the earlier Muslim-Arab slave trade.
According to the Bible, slavery will ultimately come to an end after 1,335 years, which translates to 1,315 modern years. The Dome of the Rock was completed around 692 AD when Islam was united. If we add 1,315 years to this date, we arrive at 2007. In that year, Mauritania was the last country in the world to criminalise slavery; more specifically, it was the last to criminalise the Muslim-Arab slave trade. While slavery still exists today, it is not legally recognised.
The Qur’anic inscriptions and other writings on the Dome of the Rock, one of the earliest Islamic religious buildings outside of Arabia, built in Jerusalem between 691 and 692 A.D., contain several direct criticisms of Christianity. This is undoubtedly significant.
“Praise be to God, who begets no son, and has no partner,” and “He is God, one, eternal. He does not beget, nor is he begotten, and he has no peer.”
What has John got to say about this?
22 Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist—denying the Father and the Son. 23 No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also.
1 JOHN 2:21-23
Consider this place as the future seat of Christ’s rule, almost as if it represents Satan’s attempt to undermine God’s coming throne. This is certainly the Abomination of Desolation!
By the time of the earthquake, the Abbasids were gaining momentum, particularly in the eastern parts of the empire, and they capitalised on the weakened and disheartened Umayyad forces in the aftermath, ultimately defeating them decisively at the Battle of the Zab in 750 AD. While not the sole factor, the earthquake helped destabilise the Umayyads at a critical time, creating an opening that the Abbasids were quick to exploit.
“Come!” And I saw, and behold, a black horse, and its rider had a balance in his hand; 6 and I heard what seemed to be a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; but do not harm oil and wine!”
Third Horse of The 4 Horsemen of Revelation 6

- Islamic Golden Age for Trade and Commerce
- Enslaved many European Christians (Revelations 12:17)
- The Lord struck the Dome of the Rock with earthquakes (Revelations 12:16)
- The capture of many European Christians for slaves
- Moved the capital from Damascus to Baghdad
- Regulated the use of scales across the empire for trade with greater success than the other Caliphates
- Discovered ways of oil distillation for perfumes
- Found a process for making ethanol
- Industralised Slavery
The Abbasids, particularly during their early rule, were known for promoting trade and commerce. Baghdad, the Abbasid capital, became a major hub of international trade, connecting the Mediterranean, the Middle East, China, and India. This network included the Trans-Saharan trade routes as a key component.
Many believe that this horse represented famine because of the balanced scales in the rider’s hand. The problem we are presented here with when being able to buy three quarts of barley for a day’s wages is that barley expands considerably when cooked and can feed a family a few times over. When measured, a quart (in some translations) is 0.5 of a kilogram, which means the angel is saying 1.5 kilograms of barley for a day’s wages. It is typically served at 100 grams per person, equating to 15 meals.
So, effectively, a family would be fed for a few days for a day’s wages; this cannot equate to famine. The imagery more accurately fits commerce and represents the Abassids, the third Caliphate of Islam.

The Abbasid era was renowned for its extensive trade networks and economic prosperity. Often considered a golden age of Islamic civilisation, the Abbasid Caliphate saw the flourishing of trade, culture, science, and technology. The Abbasids promoted economic integration throughout their vast empire by standardising weights and measures and establishing a common currency, the dinar. This facilitation of trade across different regions contributed to the stability and prosperity of the empire.
The standardisation of weights and measures was especially important for trade, as it reflected the accuracy needed in transactions. For example, a measure of barley for a day’s work differed from a measure of wheat. This process was in line with the scripture, which indicated the need for standardised measurements but also recognised the varied value of different goods.
The Abbasids successfully implemented standardised weights and measures throughout their empire. They appointed inspectors known as Muhtasibs, often interpreted as Market inspectors, to ensure that proper weights and measures were used and to prevent dishonest practices. This oversight helped to facilitate fair trade and maintain economic stability across their vast territories.

We are then told not to damage the oil or the wine. The Abbasid Empire was famous for its perfumes and fragrant oils. The Abbasid period is particularly famous for its wine poetry (khamriyyat), as poets in this era significantly expanded the genre and brought it to prominence.
Wine and perfume were certainly popular themes; love poetry (especially ghazal) and spiritual poetry (influenced by Sufism) likely ranked equally in popularity and literary importance. Together, these genres captured the richness of the Abbasid period, blending sensual, intellectual, and mystical elements in a way that defined classical Arabic and Persian poetry for centuries.
Wine poetry was a major genre and enjoyed widespread appeal, symbolising themes of joy, freedom, and the transient nature of life. For Sufi poets, wine also had mystical connotations, representing spiritual ecstasy and divine love.
“Don’t cry for Layla, don’t rave about Hind! But drink among roses a rose-red wine, A draught that descends in the drinker’s throat, bestowing its redness on eyes and cheeks. The wine is a ruby, the glass is a pearl, served by the hand of a slim-fingered girl, Who serves you the wine from her hand, and wine from her mouth — doubly drunk, for sure, will you be.Thus I am drunk twice, my friends only once: a favor special, for me alone!”
9th century poet by ABU NAWAS
Both wine and oil were present in the Abbasid Empire, with oil being a widely used and traded commodity. While wine was officially prohibited under Islamic law, it continued to be produced and consumed, particularly by non-Muslim communities and, to some extent, within certain elite circles. Oil, especially olive oil, was a crucial part of daily life and trade in the empire, playing a significant role in both domestic and commercial activities.
While public consumption of wine was generally frowned upon due to religious norms, it was more acceptable in private gatherings among the elite. This created a culture where wine was a mark of distinction, reserved for those with the means and status to enjoy it privately.
Cities like Baghdad became centres for the perfume industry, where skilled artisans blended and sold these luxurious oils. The demand for such products was high among the elite, leading to a thriving market for perfumes and cosmetics.
The Abbasid elite were known for using various oils, particularly those used for fragrances and cosmetics. These oils were not only a part of daily grooming routines but also a symbol of status and refinement. The use of fragrant oils was an important aspect of courtly life, reflecting the cultural sophistication of the Abbasid period. The availability of these oils was facilitated by the empire’s vast trade networks, which brought exotic and luxurious ingredients from far-flung regions to the markets of the Abbasid cities.
The Abbasid Caliphate is the period most associated with the medicinal use of wine, due to the caliphate’s emphasis on medical and scientific progress. Wine was used extensively in various medical treatments, valued for its preservative, antiseptic, and solvent properties. The Abbasid era’s blend of cultural and scientific traditions allowed for the innovative use of wine in a medical context, making it a key component in the healthcare practices of the time.

Wheat and barley were central to the agricultural economy of the Abbasid Empire, both for domestic consumption and as important trade commodities. The Abbasids’ control over fertile lands and their advanced agricultural practices allowed them to produce large quantities of these grains, which were traded extensively within the empire and exported to other regions. This trade played a crucial role in feeding the Abbasid cities’ population and generating revenue for the state.
The Abbasids inherited advanced irrigation systems and agricultural practices from earlier civilisations, which they further developed. This allowed them to maximise the yield of crops like wheat and barley.
Wheat and barley were essential food staples within the Abbasid Empire. Wheat was primarily used to make bread, a key component of the diet, while barley was used for making porridge, soups, and other foods.
Barley, in particular, was also used as livestock feed, which was important for both agricultural and military purposes. Wheat and barley were also exported to other regions, particularly to areas within the Byzantine Empire, the Mediterranean, and parts of Europe and Asia. These grains were highly valued as food staples in regions where local production might not have met demand.
The Abbasid Caliphate established its capital in Baghdad, which became one of the world’s most important economic and cultural centres. Baghdad was strategically located along major trade routes, including those connecting the East and West, making it a hub for goods, ideas, and culture.
The Abbasids controlled key sections of the Silk Road, facilitating trade between China, Central Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. This overland route was vital for the exchange of luxury goods, including silk, spices, and precious metals.
The Abbasid Caliphate also developed extensive maritime trade networks across the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea, and the Mediterranean. Ports in the Arabian Peninsula, East Africa, and the Indian subcontinent were crucial in exchanging goods such as textiles, spices, and ceramics.

IBN SINA 980-1037
Ibn Sina, also known as Avicenna, is credited with significant advancements in perfume production, particularly the development of steam distillation.
Before Ibn Sina’s time, perfumes were typically made by blending oils with aromatic substances. However, Ibn Sina pioneered extracting essential oils from flowers and other plants using steam distillation. This method allowed for the production of more refined and purer perfumes. His work primarily focused on extracting essential oils from roses, which became highly popular and contributed to spreading rose water and other floral perfumes across the Islamic world and into Europe.
This innovation not only improved the quality of perfumes but also had a lasting impact on chemistry and medicine, as the distillation process he developed was later applied to the extraction of medicinal compounds.
The demand for oils, particularly essential oils, significantly increased after the innovations introduced by Ibn Sina (Avicenna). His development of steam distillation revolutionised the production of essential oils, making them more accessible and of higher quality.
The improved quality of essential oils, especially those derived from roses and other fragrant plants, led to a surge in the popularity of perfumes. Rose water, in particular, became highly sought after, and its use spread widely throughout the Islamic world and into Europe. The demand for other aromatic oils also grew as people became more interested in personal fragrance and hygiene.
Essential oils were used in perfumes, medicine, and cosmetics. Avicenna’s work on essential oils contributed to their use in various medicinal remedies, as they were believed to have therapeutic properties. The high demand for these oils in the medical and cosmetic fields further increased their production and trade.
Trade under the Abbasids was not limited to goods; it also facilitated the exchange of knowledge, science, and culture. Scholars, scientists, and artists travelled along the trade routes, contributing to the rich intellectual life of the Abbasid Caliphate. This period saw significant advancements in fields such as mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and literature.
The Abbasid Caliphate sponsored the translation of Greek, Persian, Indian, and other classical works into Arabic. Baghdad’s House of Wisdom (Bayt al-Hikmah) became a centre for this intellectual activity, attracting scholars from various parts of the world.

The Abbasid Caliphate was often at war with the Byzantine Empire, and many Christian slaves were captured during these conflicts. These captives, who were often of Greek or Slavic origin, were brought into the Abbasid Empire and could be found in various roles, from domestic servants to soldiers.
Many Christian slaves served in the households of wealthy Muslims, where they performed domestic duties or served as concubines. Some slaves could eventually earn their freedom through manumission.

Christian captives were sometimes ransomed by their communities or sold into slavery. The Byzantine Empire had a well-established practice of ransoming prisoners, but not all captives were returned, and many ended up as slaves in the Abbasid Empire.
During the Abbasid period (750–1258 CE), Islam spread extensively across North Africa and into Sub-Saharan Africa. This expansion facilitated the integration of the Trans-Saharan trade routes into the broader Islamic trade network.
The spread of Islam helped to create stronger cultural and religious ties between North African Muslim traders and the West African kingdoms, which further stimulated trade along these routes.
West African gold, brought to the Islamic world through the Trans-Saharan trade routes, played a crucial role in the Abbasid economy. The demand for gold was driven by the Abbasid Caliphate’s need for currency, which was essential for trade and economic stability.
The Trans-Saharan trade routes also facilitated the exchange of knowledge, including scientific, literary, and religious ideas, between the Islamic world and Sub-Saharan Africa. This exchange contributed to the spread of Islamic culture and scholarship in West Africa.
Muslim traders from North Africa, many of whom were Berbers or Arabs, played a key role in introducing Islam to the Sudanic kingdoms. These traders brought not only goods but also religious ideas, and their interactions with West African elites often led to the gradual adoption of Islam, especially among the ruling classes.

MANSA MUSA (The wealthiest man that ever lived)
One of the most famous examples of a West African ruler who embraced Islam is Mansa Musa of the Mali Empire. His pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324-1325 is a well-documented event that showcased the deepening Islamic influence in West Africa. His conversion helped solidify Islam’s role in the region, particularly in the urban centres.
During the later Abbasid period, the Mali Empire rose to prominence in the 13th century. It was under the reign of Mansa Musa (1312–1337), well-known for his pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324 that Islam became more deeply entrenched in the empire.
Islam first took hold in the urban centres of the Sudanic kingdoms, where trade, scholarship, and political power were concentrated. Over time, the religion spread more gradually to rural areas and the broader population, often blending with local customs and beliefs.
The Songhai Empire, which succeeded Mali as the dominant power in West Africa, also embraced Islam during the Abbasid period, though it reached its peak during the decline of the Abbasids.
The Abbasid Empire’s growing demand for slaves to serve as soldiers, domestic servants, and labourers contributed to the expansion of the slave trade. This demand was met by traders who brought slaves from the Sudanic kingdoms across the Sahara to North Africa, and from there, many were transported to the Abbasid heartlands in the Middle East.
One key route for transporting slaves was from West African kingdoms, such as Ghana and later Mali, across the Sahara to markets in cities like Sijilmasa and Tahert in present-day Morocco and Algeria. From these North African hubs, slaves were transported to the Abbasid Empire.
8 And I saw, and behold, a pale horse, and its rider’s name was Death, and Hades followed him; and they were given power over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth.
The Fourth Horse 4 Horsemen of Revelation 6

- Owned one-fourth of the earth (25 per cent)
- Used plagued bodies as biological weapons
- Contributed to the spread of the Black Death
- Ranked as the 2nd biggest Empire in history
- Muslim Converts
“Conquering the world on horseback is easy; it is dismounting and governing that is hard.”
Genghis Khan
The Greek word χλωρός (chloros), which means “pale” or “greenish,” is used in Revelation 6:8. In this verse, the term describes the colour of the horse ridden by the fourth horseman of the Apocalypse, often referred to as the pale horse.
Some bible versions use the word green.
“7 When he broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature call out, “Come!” 8 I looked, and there was a pale green horse! Its rider’s name was Death, and Hades followed with him; they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, famine, and pestilence and by the wild animals of the earth.”
New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition (NRSVUE)
Chlorophyll is the pigment found in plants that gives them their green colour. It plays a crucial role in photosynthesis, allowing plants to absorb light and convert it into energy. So, the connection to χλωρός (chloros) reflects the green colour of chlorophyll. The term chlorophyll is derived from the Greek words χλωρός (chloros), meaning “green,” and φύλλον (phyllon), meaning “leaf.”
Strong’s Bible Concordance
G5515 xlopós chloros from the same as C5514; greenish, i.e. verdant, dun-colored:– green, pale.
“I am the punishment of God…If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.”
Genghis Khan
The Mongols represent the last horse and its rider. They were known as the bringers of death in history. They did indirectly use the plague as a weapon during the siege of Caffa in 1346. They reportedly catapulted the bodies of plague victims over the city walls, which contributed to the spread of the Black Death. The plague itself was spread by fleas on rats, which can be considered an indirect use of animal-borne disease in warfare. This is what the bible means by pestilence and wild beasts.
The scripture also says that they will control a fourth or one-quarter of the earth. This is true when you consider that Mongols owned twenty-five per cent of the earth in land space. The British Empire was the largest empire in history, while the Mongol Empire was the largest contiguous land empire.
“The greatest happiness is to scatter your enemy, to drive him before you, to see his cities reduced to ashes, to see those who love him shrouded in tears, and to gather into your bosom his wives and Daughters.”
Genghis Khan
The Mongols were related to the spread of the bubonic plague or the black death as it is more famously known.
Caffa was a Genoese-controlled port city on the Crimean Peninsula and a significant trading hub in the Black Sea region. The city was besieged by the Mongol forces of the Golden Horde, led by Khan Jani Beg.
During the siege, the Mongol army was struck by the Black Death (bubonic plague) outbreak. This deadly disease was already ravaging parts of Asia and would soon spread to Europe, causing one of the deadliest pandemics in history.
According to historical accounts, when the Mongol forces realised they were losing many soldiers to the plague, they decided to weaponise the disease. The Mongols reportedly catapulted the bodies of plague victims over the walls of Caffa in an attempt to infect the city’s inhabitants.

The tactic appears to have been effective, as the plague soon spread among the people of Caffa. Fearing the spread of the disease, some Genoese merchants and residents fled the city, potentially carrying the plague with them to other parts of Europe.
The spread of the plague to Europe is often linked to the movement of people fleeing Caffa. As these traders and sailors returned to European ports, they likely brought the plague with them, contributing to the pandemic that would devastate Europe between 1347 and 1351.
This event is one of the earliest recorded instances of biological warfare and illustrates how diseases have been weaponised in conflict, even in the medieval period.
The years leading up to the Black Death were marked by a series of bad harvests, poor weather, and agricultural decline. These conditions led to food shortages and rising prices, which had already weakened the population before the plague hit.
As the Black Death killed a large portion of the population, there were severe labour shortages, especially among those who worked the land. This exacerbated the decline in agricultural production, leading to further food shortages.
The combination of famine and the Black Death created a perfect storm of suffering and death in medieval Europe, leading to one of the most catastrophic periods in human history.
Hulagu Khan was tasked by his brother, the Great Khan Möngke, to expand Mongol control into the Middle East. This campaign included the destruction of the Ismaili Assassins in Persia and the conquest of the Abbasid Caliphate in Baghdad.
In 1258, Hulagu led a massive Mongol army to Baghdad, the capital of the Abbasid Caliphate. Under Caliph Al-Musta’sim, the Abbasids were militarily weak and unprepared to face the Mongol onslaught.
Once the city fell, the Mongols brutally sacked Baghdad. It is estimated that hundreds of thousands of people were killed, including scholars, officials, and ordinary citizens. The destruction was so severe that it devastated Baghdad’s infrastructure, economy, and cultural institutions.
The Mongols destroyed many of Baghdad’s libraries, including the House of Wisdom, resulting in the loss of countless manuscripts and a significant decline in the region’s intellectual and cultural life.
Caliph Al-Musta’sim was captured by the Mongols and executed. His death marked the end of the Abbasid Caliphate as a political entity. The Abbasid dynasty survived in a much-reduced form, with later caliphs serving as symbolic religious leaders under the Mamluk Sultanate in Cairo, but their political power was effectively destroyed.
Golden Horde (Central Asia and Russia) – Berke Khan (1257-1266 CE): Berke Khan, the ruler of the Golden Horde, was one of the earliest Mongol leaders to convert to Islam around the 1250s. His conversion was significant because it changed the relations between the Golden Horde and the Ilkhanate, with whom Berke engaged in conflicts partly due to religious and political differences. This established Islam within the Golden Horde, which would later become a predominantly Muslim khanate. Now the other Caliphated before had a direct claim to Islam, thats the Rashidun , the umaayaada and the Abassids but the mongols were converts hence the pale green colour of the horse and not a deep one.
9 When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained. 10 They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” 11 Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters, were killed just as they had been.
The Whore of Babylon & the 10 kings Revelation 6

- Catholic inquisitions and transatlantic slave trade
- Colonisation
- Slavery of African Jews
- Tribulation of God’s people
- The power transition from the Babylonian Red Dragon to the Beast (10 Kings)
- Barbary Slave trade European Christians in Islam
The combined work of The Whore of Babylon (the Catholic Church) and Islam has been the reason for much tribulation of God’s people, that is, the lost Israelites and true Christians. The Bible often indicates in Revelations that Catholics (the whore of Babylon) act in the name of God, which is considered blasphemy. I will explore this topic in more detail in another post.
The Catholic Church played a significant role in the discovery of America and indirectly sanctioned the transatlantic slave trade with a papal bull, Romanus Pontifex. Issued in 1455, this papal bull extended the authority of European Catholic nations over newly “discovered” lands and promoted the enslavement of non-Christian peoples in Africa and the Americas.
This topic is referenced in the Bible, specifically in Revelation 13. The passage describes ten kings rising to power, represented as a seven-headed beast with a wounded head.
The Babylonian dragon gives this beast power, seat, and authority. Please note that the red dragon represents all the nations that almost destroyed the seed of the Messiah. The Bible prophetically refer to these nations as Babylon, and there is a strong reason for this in the book of Zechariah.
This can be connected to the events of 1492 and 1496 when Catholic monarchs exiled Islamic Moors and Jews from Spain and Portugal. Many Jewish individuals were forced to migrate to West Africa, particularly to the regions of Cape Verde, Príncipe, and São Tomé. Interestingly, many of these exiles later became slaves in the transatlantic slave trade. I will explore this topic in more detail in a separate post, as it requires substantial evidence.
The Bible speaks about a shift in power from the Babylonian Dragon to the emergence of a seven-headed, ten-horned beast. The ten horns symbolise ten kingdoms, while the seven heads indicate that seven of the ten will be more powerful, while the remaining three will be less significant.
The Bible addresses these kings in Revelations 17:2, saying they committed fornications with the whore of Babylon, meaning that they were catholic nations. Revelations 13 says that the beast was blasphemous, and it was given a mouth to utter proud things and blaspheme the God of heaven.
Revelations 17 says the ten kings will turn against the whore of Babylon (The Catholic Church) and burn her with fire. This was the Protestant Reformation of 1517, which marked a significant turning point in history. The “wounded head on the beast” symbolises the discovery of America and the tragic consequences for Native Americans. However, the later “healing of the head” signifies the transformation of America into a powerful nation that gained influence over every tribe, country, and language.

The 10 Catholic Colonial Empires that colonised Africa to build the modern world are as follows:

It is astounding that in the age of information, many people remain unaware that a significant number of Europeans were captured and sold as slaves in North Africa during the course of the transatlantic slave trade. Barbary pirates, also known as Ottoman corsairs, captured people from Cornwall and other coastal regions of Britain, Ireland, and mainland Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries. These pirates operated mainly from North African states like Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli, collectively known as the Barbary Coast. They engaged in piracy and slave raids, targeting European coastal towns and ships. Their main motive was to capture prisoners, who could either be ransomed or sold into slavery in North Africa and the Ottoman Empire.
Coastal towns in Cornwall, Devon, and other parts of southwest England were particularly vulnerable due to their proximity to the sea and limited defences against sudden raids. One of the most notorious incidents occurred in 1625 in the village of Mount’s Bay, Cornwall, where a large number of residents were taken captive by Barbary corsairs. Another significant raid took place in 1631 in Baltimore, a small town in Ireland, where many residents were seized during a nighttime attack and subsequently enslaved.
Between the 16th century and the middle of the 18th century—approximately 250 years—an estimated 1 to 2.5 million Christian Europeans were kidnapped and sold into slavery by Barbary pirates.
The number of European slaves was significantly larger than the 470,000 Black African slaves brought to North America. While 470,000 is a small fraction of the total 12.5 million individuals who were taken to places like South America and other parts of the world, this comparison highlights the significance of the number of European slaves.
Unfortunately, discussions about slavery often focus primarily on Black individuals, neglecting the history of European slaves. That is not all to Christian European slavery because during the Islamic golden age, many European Christian slaves up to the tens of thousands, were taken from their homes during raids or taken as slaves as products from war. They were taken to castration centres before they were brought to Spain. This is a massive topic, and I can’t expand on it as much as I desire to so I will make an additional post. Here, this is addressed in REVELATIONS 12:15-17
15 Then from his mouth the serpent spewed water like a river, to overtake the woman and sweep her away with the torrent. 16 But the earth helped the woman by opening its mouth and swallowing the river that the dragon had spewed out of his mouth. 17 Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring—those who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus.
So, the Prophecy indicates here that the Israelites were caught up in the Indian Ocean and Red Sea slave trades when they ran in a second exodus. This was when the Ummyaads set up the Dome of the Rock. Believe it or not, Jesus prophesied about the Muslim slave trade with great accuracy.
The famous earthquake of Galilee in 749 weakened the Umyaads, and they fell to the Abassids in 750. In verse 16, the Lord continued to use the earth, and as a result, the Dome of the Rock was severely damaged several times around that period. The Bible uses the Dome of the Rock, which was literally dated in the book of Daniel, chapters 12:11 and 9:27, as a symbol for the Hebrews falling to the Muslim slave trade.
The earthquakes, such as those in 750, 808, 846, 1015, and 1033, interrupted trade from the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. The Abassid’s capital, Baghdad, was much closer to European nations where they had established trade, making access to Christian slaves more convenient than Africans who were further away.
Abolitionist Wilson Armistead states in his book
“A Tribute for the Negro” quite plainly: “The descendants of a colony of Jews, originally from Judea, settled on the coast of Africa, are black.”

The Bible indicates that both Israelites people and Christian Europeans faced attacks from Satan and his angels. Many may be unaware of the historical context of White slavery, as well as the significant Jewish, or more accurately, Hebrew population that once resided in West Africa. These individuals were captured by rival African tribes, including African Muslims and sold into slavery to Europeans and Muslim nations. During that time, West Africa was known as Western Sudan, and various writers and travellers from both Muslim and Catholic backgrounds documented the large Hebrew population in the region.
The Bilad as Sudan, which means “the land of the blacks” in Arabic, has numerous eyewitness accounts of the Hebrews in the Songhai Empire. The Songhai Empire descended from the Gao Empire. The Za dynasty ruled the Gao Empire, which was located next to the Ghana Empire. The progenitor of the Za dynasty was Za-al-Yaman, a man believed to have come from Yemen and identified as a Hebrew Christian. The Gao Empire later converted to Islam in the 11th century. It’s important to distinguish this historical Ghana Empire from modern-day Ghana, as the former had a significant Hebrew community reportedly originating from Egypt. Now, this would make sense when we consider the book of ESTHER 8:9
9 At once the royal secretaries were summoned—on the twenty-third day of the third month, the month of Sivan. They wrote out all Mordecai’s orders to the Jews, and to the satraps, governors and nobles of the 127 provinces stretching from India to Cush.

The 15th-century Mamluk Egyptian historian Al Maqrizi wrote about 6th-century Egypt, detailing the Muslim takeover in his book, “A Short History of the Copts and of Their Church” said
“The other portion was the whole people of Egypt, who were called Qibt (Copts), and were of mixed descent; among whom one could not distinguish Copt from Abyssinian, Nubian or Israelite; and they_were_ all Jacobites.”
Cush, which is modern-day Sudan, and Egypt are right next to each other and just like the historian said they were Christian before they became Muslims. Much of what is now modern-day Sudan was home to Christian kingdoms up until around the 16th century. Starting in the 6th century CE, several Nubian kingdoms, including Nobatia, Makuria, and Alodia, embraced Christianity and developed their own unique Christian cultures. These kingdoms practised Christianity for nearly a thousand years, maintaining churches, monasteries, and distinct Christian traditions.
Today, many descendants of the Hebrews who migrated from Egypt and Cush to West Africa may not recognise their ancestry, as it has become scattered around the world due to slavery. It is estimated that up to a quarter of those taken during the transatlantic slave trade had Hebrew roots.
Furthermore, descendants of the transatlantic slave trade could have as much as 24 per cent European ancestry due to factors such as sexual exploitation and, in some cases, mutual relationships. This raises the argument that if all descendants of the transatlantic slave trade share as much as 24 per cent European ancestry, then, due to over 400 years of intermixing among African slaves—including those from Hebrew tribes—many of today’s Black populations might be descendants of those captured African Hebrew slaves.
Understandably, many Black individuals today might be shocked by this revelation, as it is not something they had knowingly consented to. One might also consider that the ancient Israelites, when freed from Egyptian bondage, would have included some Egyptian in their lineage due to instances of sexual exploitation among slaves. The story of Joseph, for example, illustrates this potential dynamic as he faced a forceful advance from his master’s wife.
There have been many groups of people who have discovered the lost history of the West African Hebrews and seek to demonise all Europeans and paint them all with the same brush. They blame them for this hidden history. Still, whether you like it or not, the bible clearly tells you here that God has a significant share of both people who will rule with him for eternity. We have all been victims of ignorance, but thank God we have scriptural prophecy to clear this up and unite us all.
12 When he opened the sixth seal, I looked, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth, the full moon became like blood, 13 and the stars of the sky fell to the earth as the fig tree sheds its winter fruit when shaken by a gale; 14 the sky vanished like a scroll that is rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place. 15 Then the kings of the earth and the great men and the generals and the rich and the strong, and every one, slave and free, hid in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains, 16 calling to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; 17 for the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand before it?”

This talks about a worldwide disaster which has yet to happen. This is meant to be the time the twelve tribes of Israel come together and the rise of the false Messiah or false prophet.
Jesus spoke about it in MARK 13:24-26, MATTHEW 24:29, and LUKE 21:29, and he tells you that is the time when the 12 tribes of Israelites will be gathered. John tells you in Revelations that the Israelites will be gathered in Revelations 7 when he talks about the 144,000 virgin men. Twelve thousand was the number from each tribe.
The problem with the thinking here of some people is that they don’t understand that this is the return of the Israelites and some members of the multi-ethnic church will be with them, according to Revelations chapter 7. You cannot have twelve thousand virgin men from each tribe of Israel without their families being with them, being either sisters, brothers, uncles, Aunts, cousins, mothers, or fathers. To prove this further, Jesus says,
MARK 13:27
“And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens.”
“31 And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.”
Around his time, the people who were under the altar began to praise God. These people suffered from every nation; this is the multi-ethnic Church that went through tribulation.
This will be the last Christian Revival and outpouring of the Holy Spirit for the sealing of the Israelites as written in EZEKIEL 37:9, 37:14, REVELATIONS 7:3 etc.
JOEL 2:28-31
“And afterwards, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.
29 Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days. 30 I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke. 31 The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.
When we read the context of Joel chapters 2 and 3, (remember chapter 3 continues from 2), we can confirm that the Israelites are gathered after the sun and moon are darkened. The Lord then appears later to judge at Armageddon. This understanding is consistent with all scripture, including the words of Jesus and John’s book of Revelations, chapters 6 and 7. Any claims made before this event, asserting the return of Israel or Christ, are entirely false—100 per cent.
This is the exact information i have been looking for!
Nice work, i will definitely be sharing this with others.
Thank you so much. I’m currently working on world history from a biblical prophecy linking the book of Daniel 11,12 and Revelations 12 & 13. All world history accurately prophesied by the angel Gabriel and John the apostle.