Let’s examine what we are taught to believe and see if it is compatible with The Son of God
What I am about to share is crucial for all Bible-believing Christians. It may be uncomfortable, but it will strengthen your faith.
Throughout my years of attending Church, I’ve encountered numerous individuals who assert that the Biblical prophecy of the return of Israel was fulfilled in 1948. However, upon examining the scriptures, I’ve found that they often present scenarios that directly contradict our reality. There are many conditions the bible lays out for the return of Israel, and here are just a few of them.
The Red Sea has to dry up, & The Euphrates is shattered. ISAIAH 11:15
Israel will be called by a new name. ISAIAH 62:2
The Nile will dry up. ZECHARIAH 10:11
You will be thought of as a mere child if you die at 100. ISAIAH 65:20
Nations will Never invade it again. ISAIAH 62:8, JOEL 3:17
The wolf and the lamb will eat together. The lion will eat straw like the Ox ISAIAH 65:2
They will be gathered from the four winds of heaven where they have been scattered by the sword REVELATIONS 7:1-8, MARK 13:26
Jerusalem will be filled with Gentiles until the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled. LUKE 21:24
All 12 Tribes will be regathered. EZEKIEL 37:19
The stars will fall from the Sky. There will be a worldwide Quake. Islands will be shifted. The sun and moon will not give their light. JOEL 3:15, MARK 13:24-25, LUKE 21:25, MATTHEW 24:29, REVELATIONS 6:12-14
When Israel returns, they will have to share their land with those already there and ACCEPT THEM AS ISRAELITES. EZEKIEL 47:23
The Lord said he would scatter and erase them from human Memory. DEUTERONOMY 32:26
God is supposed to pour out his Spirit on the people of Israel when they return (Holy Spirit Baptism) EZEKIEL 39:29
In the lands of their exile, they will NOT be called the people of God. HOSEA 1:10, 2:24
These are just some of the problems to resolve. There comes a time for Christians and religious individuals when we must recognise our mistakes. However, some people find it difficult to admit they are wrong, which can lead to dishonesty. Many attempt to reconcile their beliefs with scriptural prophecy through vague interpretations and complex calculations. Ultimately, these efforts do not reveal the truth; they only create a fantasy.
This begs the question, is the Bible the true word of God?
Are the biblical prophecies accurate?
Does the God of Israel exist?
Do people need Jesus for salvation, or is this an invention of the Romans to subjugate the public?
Is Jesus the son of God or just another religious figure?
I’m not trying to mess with the faith here but…
According to modern interpretation, none of Jesus’s prophecies have come to pass; they all seem to fall flat. Did Jesus not say, “They will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners toall the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled”? (Luke 21:24).
It is widely recognised that Jesus fulfilled many Old Testament prophecies; however, prophecies from over 2000 years ago are not convincing evidence for many people. The Jewish people in Jerusalem today have indeed faced more than their fair share of problems. However, they have never been taken into all nations as prisoners by the sword; rather, they have migrated. Many believe that Jesus was referring to the Romans in 70 AD when they destroyed the temple. Yet, there is ample evidence showing that Jews continued to live in Jerusalem for centuries afterwards. If this interpretation is correct, it would suggest that Jesus was mistaken once again.
Is Jesus compatible with the state of modern Israel?
To be honest, social media is filled with many disingenuous Christians who claim that prophecies are being fulfilled right before our eyes. Yet, they shift their positions when events don’t unfold as predicted. Currently, Israel is at war, the temple has not been rebuilt, and thousands of Jews are fleeing Jerusalem, all without the Antichrist driving them out. This directly conflicts with Isaiah 62:8 and Joel 3:17. Nevertheless, some still insist this fulfils prophecy. Where is this written? The Bible does not mention two returns, although some have suggested a partial return of the Jews before a full return. Unfortunately, this notion is not supported by Scripture at all.
The Bible mentions multiple times that stars will fall from the sky and that the sun and moon will not provide their light. Jesus, the Son of God, also prophesied about these events. However, if the current interpretations of scripture are accurate, then what Jesus predicted is very unlikely to occur. Should Jesus be taken seriously? Not if the current interpretations are accurate, but does that mean they are wrong?
Since 1948, the Jewish people have returned to Jerusalem, indicating that the Gentiles’ times are fulfilled according to Jesus in Luke 21:24. Sadly, that is not the case, as Gentiles remain in power according to modern interpretation. Therefore, it would seem that Jesus was incorrect, and that’s something no true Christian is willing to accept. Revelations 11:2 states that the Gentiles will trample Jerusalem for 42 months. Around that time, the two witnesses will appear, but these events have not happened yet, and according to our interpretation, the reality is that Jerusalem is not filled with Gentiles. So we have another problem again. Jesus and John seem to be wrong.
Ezekiel 37:15-28, the famous passage about the valley of dry bones, explains that the twelve tribes of Israel will unite and serve David—or Jesus, who sits on the throne of David—as their king forever when they return to Israel. It actually states that! In fact, many more verses from other books make the same claim.
Here is a passage from Ezekiel 20:32-38
32 “‘You say, “We want to be like the nations, like the peoples of the world, who serve wood and stone.” But what you have in mind will never happen. 33 As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, I will reign over you with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and with outpoured wrath. 34 I will bring you from the nations and gather you from the countries where you have been scattered—with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and with outpoured wrath. 35 I will bring you into the wilderness of the nations and there, face to face, I will execute judgment upon you. 36 As I judged your ancestors in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so I will judge you, declares the Sovereign Lord. 37 I will take note of you as you pass under my rod, and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant. 38 I will purge you of those who revolt and rebel against me. Although I will bring them out of the land where they are living, yet they will not enter the land of Israel. Then you will know that I am the Lord.
The Lord declares that he will bring his people into the bond of the covenant, and if His people are not obedient, they will not enter the land of Israel. So, what does obedience mean? It can’t simply be about serving Christ, especially since the Jews have returned to Israel, which seems to negate the necessity of Jesus.
Lets’s be honest
If we are truly honest, we must recognise that there are significant issues for the church to address. This is merely the beginning. The sheer number of scriptures that conflict with our current understanding is overwhelming.
Perhaps Muslims are correct in saying the Bible has been altered, leading Christians to misunderstand all the prophecies. Did God provide the Quran to clarify this?
While I do not believe this is the case the uncomfortable truth is that Christianity struggles to claim the title of a true prophetic religion if certain interpretations of the holy scriptures are valid. Furthermore, this challenges the belief that Jesus is the perfect Son of God, as we have been taught.
So have modern Christians interpreted the bible accurately and it is not the word of God, or have they gotten it wrong and it is the word of God? Think very carefully
Christianity cannot genuinely advance the claim that Jesus is the Son of God, especially when considering its incompatibility with modern Israel. There are numerous mistakes attributed to Jesus if this is the claim. So which is it? Is modern Israel the true return of the Israelites, or is Jesus the Son of God? Logically, you cannot have both, especially if we want the world to take Christ seriously.
What if Jesus really is the son of God & the biblical prophecy is True?
What if I told you that the prophecies found in the Bible, including those spoken by Jesus, are actually more accurate than anything we have encountered before? What if the Bible represents the true word of God, affirming that the God of Israel is indeed the Almighty? This realisation could be the evidence that proves Jesus is the Son of the living God to many. If the prophecies in the Bible are correct, it would be a benchmark that the Quran could never meet, regardless of its claims. What if there is an impending world disaster about to take place, and the bible warns us of it? This is the focus of this blog, and together, we will explore the excellent topic of biblical prophecy.
Let us explore the true meaning of biblical prophecy based on 100% facts & real historical events
Dive into insightful resources and analyses that affirm biblical prophecies and deepen your understanding of faith and spirituality. Here we rely on continuity and scriptural context to prove the scriptures. ALL 100% FACTS!
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